Determination of a Nasty Woman

Alright. So it happened. Donald Trump was declared President Elect of the United States of America yesterday. Hillary Clinton was way more qualified and dedicated, but the man with zero political experience who picked it up as a hobby a year ago was chosen to lead the country. Okay. So, now what? Many, many people […]

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The R-Word

Trigger Warning for mentions of rape. Nothing explicit, but it doesn’t hurt to be cautious. So, the rules for this post are going to be slightly different. If you agree with it, congratulations. You have managed to be a halfway decent human being. If you disagree, either educate yourself or remove yourself from the gene […]

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The Basics of Feminism

“What feminism means to me, is that men and women should be equal, and be able to have the same opportunities, and do the same things as the other one – shouldn’t depend on gender, basically, is what I’m trying to say.” – Jack Howard (I’m a feminist) That, ladies and gentlemen, is what feminism […]

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Because we’re different

A few weeks ago, I saw this tumblr post about how, while we’re growing up, we’re taught the meaning of things like sexism, racism, misogyny, misandry, homophobia, and a whole bunch of other stuff, and, as we learn, we begin to see these things around us – at school, at work, among friends, and even […]

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